
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Episode 39 - My Ketamine Journey - Part 6
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Hi Friends!
We made it! Part 6 of My Ketamine Journey! I cannot thank you enough for coming on this ride with me and being there with your support and love.
Enjoy the journey. xoxo

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Episode 38 - My Ketamine Journey - Part 5
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Hi friends,
Here is episode 38 - Part 5 of my exploration through Ketamine. Thank you for being part of this journey. Your support means the world to me.
If you ever have questions you can message me at Acting Up With Ali Goodman or find me on Twitter at @Ali_Goodman.

Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Episode 37 - My Ketamine Journey - Part 4
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Hey friends,
I'm opening this with a strong trigger warning. I go into a story about a trauma that may be upsetting for some. I know this is part of the healing journey. I hope you see it in the same way.
Thank you, as always, for coming with me on this journey. It's been a ride, so far. I appreciate you.
If you have any questions or want to connect with me you can find me on facebook at Acting Up With Ali Goodman
or on Twitter at @Ali_Goodman

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Episode 36 - My Ketamine Journey - Part 3
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021

Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Episode 35 - My Ketamine Journey - Part 2
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Hi Friends! Welcome back to part 2 of this journey. I hope this is a helpful tool for anyone looking into alternative ways to combat their depression or PTSD.
Thank you for all your love and support.
If you have questions you can find me on FB at Acting Up With Ali Goodman
Feel free to message me there or on Twitter! I'm @Ali_Goodman

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Episode 34 - My Ketamine Journey - Part 1
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Welcome back, friends!
It's been a while. And I've been battling some raucous depression/anxiety/and complex PTSD due to childhood trauma. Wheee! So I decided to dive into the world of psychedelics (doctor approved in a clinic) to try to help myself heal. Finally.
This is part 1 of my experience exploring healing through ketamine.
Join me. It's quite a ride so far.

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Episode 33 - The School District Lost My Autistic Kid
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Episode 33 - The School District Lost My Autistic Kid
You read that right. In this "practically-a-double-episode" episode I go into great detail about all of the transportation issues we've had with the district, the small group transportation, the general bus, and many MANY other frustrations.
I also ask you, my dear friends, to help me figure out HOW to help fix this issue. I welcome your ideas and thoughts and brilliance.
Please find me and leave comments (or a suggested solution to the above question!) on any of these platforms:
ALI: REAL-TO-REEL on Facebook and Instagram and HERE on Twitter!
You can also help the podcast out by leaving a REVIEW of this episode (or the whole podcast) on Apple Podcasts and commenting on www.actinguppodcast.com
Thanks for listening, friends! Remember: we are all in this together.

Friday Aug 16, 2019
Episode 32 - Risk-Reward Or Bribery
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Episode 32 - Risk-Reward Or Bribery
Today's episode is sponsored by the dude mowing his lawn outside my window.
Despite the noise and my futile attempts to quiet the sound on the episode we are talking about rewards and bribery with kids - specifically neurodiverse kids.
I also dive in and share my struggles with having to pause some of my creatives desires because my priorities are focused elsewhere (i.e. my kids) at the moment.
But I also shout out my friends who are doing their thing, taking their creative ideas and running with them! It's very exciting.
You can always find me and leave comments on any of these platforms:
ALI: REAL-TO-REEL on Facebook and Instagram and HERE on Twitter!
You can also help the podcast out by leaving a REVIEW of this episode (or the whole podcast) on Apple Podcasts and commenting on www.actinguppodcast.com
Thanks for listening, friends! Remember: we are all in this together.

Friday Aug 09, 2019
Episode 31 - Thoughts And Prayers, Right? With Guest Jon Wolter
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Episode 31 - Thoughts And Prayers, Right? With Guest Jon Wolter
We welcome back to the podcast, Jon Wolter (www.jonwolter.com) my husband and partner in our continued struggle to find calm during the storm of these mass terrorist attacks on our country.
TRIGGER WARNING: We talk about school shootings and the current climate of our country with the back-to-back mass murders by white supremacists.
We dive in about how our son, Jackson, would likely not be amongst the survivors of a school shooting and why.
This was not an easy episode to record but given the circumstances of other parents and especially parents who have kids with special needs or disabilities we knew we had to address it.
We'd love your feedback.
You can always find me and leave comments on any of these platforms:
ALI: REAL-TO-REEL on Facebook and Instagram and HERE on Twitter!
You can also help the podcast out by leaving a REVIEW of this episode (or the whole podcast) on Apple Podcasts and commenting on www.actinguppodcast.com
Thanks for listening, friends! Remember: we are all in this together.

Friday Aug 02, 2019
Episode 30 - How To Apologize And Not Be A Jerk
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Episode 30 - How To Apologize And Not Be A Jerk
Hey friends! This week's episode focuses on how to apologize properly. Something very specific triggered this episode (I go into detail) and then offer some more constructive ways to help heal the hurt with a real, true apology.
Please let me know your thoughts about this episode and if you think you are good at apologizing (Spoiler alert: I am not great right now - I'm working on it!)
You can comment on any of these platforms:
ALI: REAL-TO-REEL on Facebook and Instagram and HERE on Twitter!
You can also always help the podcast out by leaving a REVIEW of this episode (or the whole podcast) on Apple Podcasts and commenting on www.actinguppodcast.com
Thanks for listening, friends! Remember: we are all in this together.